اعداد المحامية بهية ابو حمد
في 22 ايار 2014 طرأت تغييرات جذرية لقانون الهجرة لعام 1958 وللتشريعات المماثلة له لعام 1994 بحيث أعطى مزيدا من الخيارات لمقدمي طلب للتاشيرأت المشار اليها أدناه بالاعتماد على اي من شهادتين جديدتين أتمهما باللغة الانكليزية بغاية التأكيد لدائرة الهجرة بأنه ضليع في اللغة المذكورة.
ما هم الشهادتين الجديدتين؟
ان الشهادتين الجديدتين هم:
1- Test of English Language as a Foreign Language Internet Based Test (TOFEL: iBT)
2- Pearson Test of English Academic (PTE Academic).
ما هي التأشيرات التي تعتمد الشهادتين الجديدتين؟
ان فئات التأشيرات التي من الممكن ان ترفق في طلبها الشهادتين الجديدتين هم على الشكل المبين أدناه:
• Distinguished Talent (Australian support) (subclass 124)
• Business Talent (subclass 132)
• Former Resident (subclass 151)
• Business Owner (provisional) (subclass 160)*
• Senior Executive (provisional) (subclass 161)*
• Investor (provisional) (subclass 162)*
• State/Territory Sponsored Business Owner (provisional) (subclass 163)*
• State/Territory Sponsored Senior Executive (provisional) (subclass 164)*
• State/Territory Sponsored Investor (provisional) (subclass 165)*
• Employer Nomination Scheme (subclass 186)
• Regional Sponsored Migration Scheme (subclass 187)
• Business Innovation & Investment (provisional) (subclass 188)
• Skilled – Independent (subclass 189)
• Skilled – Nominated (subclass 190)
• Work and Holiday (temporary) (subclass 462)
• Skilled – Recognised Graduate (subclass 476)
• Temporary Graduate (subclass 485)
• Skilled – Regional (provisional) (subclass 489)
• Distinguished Talent (subclass 858)
• Skilled – Regional (subclass 887)
• Business Innovation and Investment (permanent) (subclass 888)
• Business Owner (Residence) (subclass 890)
• Investor (Residence) (subclass 891)
• State/Territory Sponsored Business owner (Residence) (subclass 892)
• State/Territory Sponsored Investor (Residence) (subclass 893)
متى يصبح هذا القانون نافذا؟
يصبح القانون الجديد نافذا في تشرين الثاني لعام 2014.
هل تقدم الشهادتين لتأشيرة العمل من فئة 457؟
كلا – ان هذه التأشيرة تخضع حاليا للدراسة والنظر بمتطلباتها بغاية اجراء التعديلات الجذرية لهم.
ما هو معدل النجاح المطلوب لامتحانات اللغة الانكليزية؟
ان معدل النجاح المطلوب يلخص في الجدول المبين أدناه:
English Language
Proficiency level Test
component IELTS TOEFL
Academic OET
Functional Average across test components only 4.5 32 30 n/a
Vocational Listening 5.0 4 36 B
Reading 5.0 4 36 B
Writing 5.0 14 36 B
Speaking 5.0 14 36 B
Competent Listening 6.0 12 50 B
Reading 6.0 13 50 B
Writing 6.0 21 50 B
Speaking 6.0 18 50 B
Proficient (for points tested Skilled visas) Listening 7.0 24 65 B
Reading 7.0 24 65 B
Writing 7.0 27 65 B
Speaking 7.0 23 65 B
Superior (for points tested Skilled visas) Listening 8.0 28 79 A
Reading 8.0 29 79 A
Writing 8.0 30 79 A
Speaking 8.0 26 79 A
من هي المعاهد الدراسية التي تقبل منها الشهادتين الجديدتين؟
في مطلع 2015 تستقبل دائرة الهجرة نتائج الامتحانات باللغة الانكليزية من معهد
Cambridge English Advanced CAE
ستعطي دائرة الهجرة معدل نجاح لامتحانات اللغة الانكليزية وذلك بادراجهم على موقعها الالكتروني.
ما هي المواقع التي تعطي معلومات عن امتحانات اللغة الانكليزية؟
ان المواقع المذكورة هي على الشكل التالي:
1- TOEFL iBT visit: http://www.ets.org/toefl/ibt/about
2- PTE Academic Visit: http://pearsonpte.com/testme
1. Who was the first governor of the colony of New South Wales?
1) Captain Philip Arthur
2) Captain Arthur Philips
3) Commander John Cook
4) Captain Arthur Philip
2. In what year were the colonies united into a federation of states?
1) 1788
2) 1915
3) 1851
4) 1901
3. The COAG has been set up to
1) to review and interpret laws
2) collect taxes from citizens and businesses
3) organise federal elections
4) encourage cooperation between the levels of government
4. The House of Review is the same as
1) The High Court
2) The Assembly
3) The Senate
4) The House of Representatives
5. How many senators are elected from each state?
1) 2
2) 12
3) 1
4) 16
Correct answers to:
I Question 1 : 4
II Question 2 : 4
III Question 3 : 4
IV Question 4 : 3
V Question 5 : 2
مضمون الأسئلة المنصوصة في الإمتحان الخطي للحصول على الجنسية الأوسترالية
Article One1. Who was the first governor of the colony of New South Wales?
1) Captain Philip Arthur
2) Captain Arthur Philips
3) Commander John Cook
4) Captain Arthur Philip
2. In what year were the colonies united into a federation of states?
1) 1788
2) 1915
3) 1851
4) 1901
3. The COAG has been set up to
1) to review and interpret laws
2) collect taxes from citizens and businesses
3) organise federal elections
4) encourage cooperation between the levels of government
4. The House of Review is the same as
1) The High Court
2) The Assembly
3) The Senate
4) The House of Representatives
5. How many senators are elected from each state?
1) 2
2) 12
3) 1
4) 16
Correct answers to:
I Question 1 : 4
II Question 2 : 4
III Question 3 : 4
IV Question 4 : 3
V Question 5 : 2
إرسال تعليق